Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Santa Mierda doesn't play like mierda

Great game against Seoul Pub FUTA, 10-5. Everybody got into the party, I had my first 8-ball run -- how do you like that? -- and we won an important game at home and stopped our steak of losing 7-8 against good teams. This makes us dangerous to other teams when we get into the playoffs^^.

As for this week's fines (there are always some!):

Andy: 2,000
Dwayne: 1,000
Bill: 1,000
Taek: didn't play
Kae Hoon: 0
JB: 1,000
Ra: 1,000

Total: 6,000 Won (one of our lowest totals)


  1. Andy, make a poll "Who thought Ra! would get an 8-ball run?" ha ha

  2. Better when we lose : more money for the kitty !!
