Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New 2010 Season

New Season starts 13 January, which is this coming wednesday. Each player needs to check his fines and whatnot from last season and pay up and (sorry!) pay 50,000 won to join this year. Last season the captain(s) paid for the whole thing. This season that won't happen. So get your cash ready!! We are a little short on players for the first few weeks, so if you know anybody--really anybody!--invite them to play.

This season should be a lot of fun. I think we can get further into the playoffs than last season. lol. If we don't we're all fired. The boss (steinbrenner family?) wants results.

Ra went to the captain's meeting yesterday. There are a few rule changes. In scotch doubles, one player can play and have a chance to run the table rather than just forfeit the match (this may work in our favor since we're going to have to forfeit some games in the first weeks). Everything else remains pretty much the same.

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